Thursday, September 12, 2013


  1.  Announcements                                                                               
    1.  Dates
    2.  Division Minutes Reminder: due within 10 business days as a pdf sent to
  2. Elected Standing Committee election
    1. Faculty Development Committee Social Science replacement 2013-16
      • “The Committee shall consist of one member from each division elected by the Faculty as a whole for a term of three years.”     Faculty Handbook
      • Current members: Maia AverettNatural Science, Chris BrownFine Art, Tomàs GalgueraEducation, Brinda Mehta—Letters.
    2. Faculty Executive Committee 2013-16
      • At-Large: nominate One from Fine Art or Natural Science Division
        • “Four members shall be nominated and elected at large by the Faculty for a term of three years.... No academic division shall have more than two members on the Executive Committee.”  Faculty Handbook
      • Current members: Joe Kahne, Ajuan Mance, Siobhan Reilly—at-large, Ruth CosseyEducation, Fred FrithFine Art, Stephen Ratcliffe—Letters, Dean MorierNatural Science-elect, Elizabeth Potter, Dan Ryan—Social Science,
  3. Proposed Handbook Revision 2.12.1 (tabled 5/6/13 by Faculty)
  4. Proposed Handbook Revision (tabled 5/17/13 by Board)
  5. Proposed ICL Minor
  6. Proposed Theater Arts Minor
  7. New Courses and Course Revisions 

Proposed Faculty Handbook Revision: Guidelines for Faculty Travel Grants

Existing Language
2.12.1. Guidelines for Faculty Travel Grants
  1. On an annual basis, faculty members may apply under Category A for funds to cover the costs of registration fees and transportation to meetings of professional societies in which they participate as speakers or as elected officials. Faculty members may apply under Category B for costs of registration fees or transportation to no more than one professional meeting, conference, symposium, workshop, or seminar per fiscal year in which the applicant is not a participant, as defined in guideline (d) below.
  2. Air fare is to be at the least expensive rate available and subsequent ground transportation to the location of the meeting shall be at the shuttle rate. Car travel will be reimbursed at the regular College mileage rate.
  3. Travel for purposes of research will be funded only under the Faculty Research Grant category.
  4. Presenters, session organizers, discussants, and officials of national or regional (i.e., encompassing more than one state) organizations are eligible for funding from Category A of the Faculty Travel Fund.
  5. Funds in Category B will always be limited.
  6. The Faculty Development Committee will normally recommend funding under Category B only for faculty members who have completed one year of teaching at Mills. However, the Committee may recommend funding requests from first-year ranked faculty members, if funds are available.
  7. Requests will be considered for specific meetings only.
  8. Applications for funding to cover travel costs or registration fees for meetings between September 1 in a given calendar year and January 15 in the next calendar year must be submitted by the first week of October in the earlier calendar year. Applications for funding of travel costs or registration fees between January 16 and August 31 must be submitted by the first week of February. Note: this timing implies that some requests for funding are considered after the conference has taken place (e.g., a conference in September).
  9. Requests submitted after the published deadline will be funded only if funds remain from that particular funding period. Retroactive funding for meetings already attended in a different period normally will not be considered. An exception will be made in cases where a faculty member did not know of her/his participation in a conference until after the deadline for applying for funding. In such cases, she/he should apply in the subsequent funding cycle.
  10. Funds granted but not used must be returned to the College.
  11. Individual faculty members will normally receive no more than $l,200 in any twelve-month period for travel reimbursement and registration fees.

Proposed Language

2.12.1  Guidelines for Faculty Travel Grants

  1. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members, or non-tenure-track faculty members who teach at the College full-time for three or more consecutive years, may apply for funding to cover the cost of professional travel.
  2. Funding will be considered for faculty members who act as presenters, session organizers, discussants, performers, exhibitors and elected officers at international, national and regional professional meetings, conferences, symposia, workshops or seminars to which they have been selected to participate by a program committee or formally invited by a host institution.
  3. Whenever funds are available, funding may be considered for faculty members to attend international, national and regional professional meetings, conferences, symposia, workshops or seminars at which they are not presenters, session organizers, discussants, performers, exhibitors or elected officers.
  4. Deadlines for submitting travel grant applications will be set by the Faculty Development Committee at the start of each academic year.  There will normally be two funding cycles during each academic year, one for events that take place between September 1 and December 31 and one for events that occur between January 1 and August 31.
  5. An annual maximum amount of travel funds that can be awarded to each faculty member will be set by the Faculty Development Committee at the start of each academic year.
  6.  Retroactive funding for events that faculty members have already attended will normally not be considered.  Exceptions may be made for cases in which the faculty member did not know of her/his participation until after the application deadline for the appropriate funding cycle.  In such cases, s/he must apply for funding in the cycle that immediately follows the event.
  7.  Travel for research purposes will be funded only by Faculty Research Grants.
  8.  Funds that are granted but not used must be returned to the College.

ICL Minor

Theater Minor

2013-09-16 Course Revisions

BIO 100   Microbiology   Prereq Add: BIO 001. Concurrent Course Add: CHEM 105. Mode of Grading change to: letter grade only. Course Format: Lecture. Separately Scheduled Activity add: Lab. General Education Requirement Written Communication II approved.  

BOOK 261   Seminar in Professional Practice   Revised description: This seminar will prepare students for their professional practice in book art. Topics to be explored include issues concerning the design and production of professional-level work, preparation of a professional portfolio and CV, teaching practicum, approaches to involvement in the book art professional community, and various aspects of running a professional book art studio practice. Students will have the option of doing internships, creative projects (fall only), and prep work for conference presentations and exhibitions. May be repeated change to: 1 time for credit.

CHNS 001   Elementary Chinese I   Credit level change to: 1.25

CHNS 002   Elementary Chinese II   Credit level change to: 1.25

DNC 134   Dance Improvisation   Instructor change to:  Shinichi Iova-Koga.

DNC 165/265   Modern to Contemporary Performance: History, Theory, and Practice   Course Format add: Studio, Seminar.

DNC 181   Solo Choreography   Instructor change to:  Shinichi Iova-Koga. Max change to: 20. Course Format add: Perfomance.

DNC 250B   Thesis: Writing   Credit level change to: 0.5-1. Course Format add: Research, Seminar.  

DNC 284/184   Choreography: Construction Project   Prereq for DNC 284 change to: DNC 282. Concurrent Course Add: DNC 282. Recommended change to: DNC 107 only. Offered change to: Fall. Max change to: 14. Open to DNC 184 change to: Juniors and Seniors. Course Format add: Performance. Separately Scheduled Activity add: Lab.

HIST 135   Worker in American Life: 1877 to the Present   New course description: The labor movement and the history of working men and women in the U.S. since 1877.  Events, personalities, institutions and ideas associated with the labor movement. The regional diversity of the movement. The role of protest, direct action, legal challenges, legislation. The role of religion; the role of race, ethnicity, gender and class in the working class. The contests over strategy and tactics of the labor movement; the contests over interpreting the meaning and legacy of the labor movement. Instructor change to William Issel. Frequency change to: every third year. General Education Requirement Historical Perspectives approved.

HIST 137   Prosperity, Depression, and War: America from 1920 to 1945   General Education Requirement Historical Perspectives approved.

MGMT 212   Intermediate Financial Accounting   Instructor change to: Sheila Shain.

MGMT 214   Financial Accounting   Instructor change to: Mark Bichsel or Sheila Shain.

MGMT 238   Environmental Sustainability and Business   Instructor change to: Ed Quevedo.

MGMT 272   Socially Responsible Business   Instructor change to: Ed Quevedo

MGMT 275   Entrepreneurship   Instructor change to: Michael Bush. Max change to: 20. Restriction Note change to: Open to MBA, MBA/MA EdL and MPP/MBA students only. Course Format add: Lecture.

PSYC 142   Attachment and Loss   Restriction Note add:  Prerequisites: PSYC 049 and a grade of C or better in PSYC 140 and at least one other upper-division course.

PSYC 146   Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences   Restriction Note add:  Open to majors only. Students must have a grade of C or better in PSYC 049 or permission of instructor to enroll.

PSYC 151   Research Methods in Psychology   Restriction Note add:  Students must have a grade of C or better in PSYC 049 and PSYC 146 or permission of instructor to enroll.

PSYC 168   Memory and Aging   Prereq Add: PSYC 130 or PSYC 156.

SOC 146   Sociology of Hip-Hop  

SPAN 001   Elementary Spanish I   Credit level Change to: 1.25.

SPAN 002   Elementary Spanish II   Credit level Change to: 1.25.